select count(no) from rankup_board_notice where no and (subject like '%내동조건만남ꂐ ♥O6O-9O1-9OO6♥ Ⅱinnocenceꇒbritain ꎩshe's 내동조건만남₄%' or content like '%내동조건만남ꂐ ♥O6O-9O1-9OO6♥ Ⅱinnocenceꇒbritain ꎩshe's 내동조건만남₄%') and dval!='yes'
޼ ERROR CODE 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'s 내동조건만남₄%\' or content like \'%내동조건만남